Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I have this strange feeling that my friend Marie of will be making so many appearances on this blog that I might as well list her as a contributor. Speaking of contributers, I'm all about it! Mainly, a couple photo contributers (Kev? Panda?) and a music video contributer as I listen, dj, yet hardly watch and/or look. Perhaps another music contributor?

Got a great remix by MSTRKRFT's JFK from Missing Toof. You should check out Missing Toof if you get a sec. The music there is ALWAYS good.


Agent Lover said...

I am here at your service!

Black Friday said...

Hellz yes! I sent you an invite so you should now be able to post. You keep up with more rock music then I do anyway so its great to add another voice to the blog! Plus your pictures make me wet myself. Especially the minks attacking you. Gahahhaha om.

Agent Lover said...

Woo!! I'm excited!!

Agent Lover said...

GAHAHA oh you. I'll sick dose minx on you next !!