Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Party Like It's 2004 (2D Micromix)

I recently permanently borrowed a pair of Beowulf 3D glasses from my pal Bryan. I am happy to tell you that I have gained the ability to DJ three-dimensionally. Needless to say, my upcoming mixes will now be presented in 3D. As for sound quality....ummmm.

Before I had this amazing ability, I still gave my mixes the college try. Below is a mix from my Ventura/Santa Barbara DJ days circa 2004-2005. 

It feels like just yesterday people were just getting excited about Annie, The Knife, etc. Not much has changed if you ask me. Just the same music getting better and better through the years.

Be Forewarned: This mix is in 2D, has a level problem or two, and is a dance party explosion. BOOOOOOM!

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